The color for this role. It is a hexadecimal color code represented in integer format.
The default color for roles (no color) is 0
The id of the discord.Guild this role belongs to.
if this role is hoisted in the member list (displayed separately).
Members are grouped into their highest positioned role in the member list if a role is hoisted.
The role's unique Discord id. This field never changes.
if this role was created by an integration or bot application.
Managed roles have restrictions around what can be edited, depending on the application.
if this role can be mentioned in messages by members of the guild.
When a role is mentioned, they receive a ping/notification if they have notifications enabled for mentions on the guild.
The display name for the role.
The permission bit set assigned to this role. Members receive permissions in the order roles are positioned.
The position of this role.
Hoisted roles are displayed in this order.
Role permissions are applied to members in the order of the permission set on roles.
Deletes the role and removes it from all the members who had it assigned.
If an error occurs, a discord.ApiError is thrown.
Updates the guild role.
All properties of the options
parameter are optional, but you must send at least one modification.
If an error occurs, a discord.ApiError is thrown.
Properties to modify on this role.
Returns a mention string in the format of <@!id>
where id is the id of this user.
Can be used in a message to mention/ping the role.
Generated using TypeDoc
A role belongs to a discord.Guild and can be assigned to groups of discord.GuildMembers to change the color of their name and apply permission changes.
Multiple roles can be assigned to a single user.
Roles can be hoisted in the member list (displayed separately), and ordered.