Welcome to Pylon

Pylon is a new way to build, deploy, and manage Discord bots. The Pylon JavaScript SDK enables you to write serverless bots that interact with both the Discord API and Gateway services.

Getting Started

1. Joining Pylon

While Pylon is in Beta, please join our Discord server to automatically gain access to Pylon and keep up to date with the latest changes.

2. Adding a Guild (aka Server)

Your scripts run on a per-guild basis. Once signed in, hit the "+ Add Guild" button and choose a guild. After completing the Discord OAuth flow you should be faced with Pylon's online code editor.

Note! You must have the "Manage Server" permission to view, edit, and publish Pylon scripts. Anyone with this permission may also view, edit and publish Pylon scripts. Server owners and administrators have this permission by default.

3. Publishing Scripts

Pylon ships with a default script that showcases some basic examples of what you can do with the JavaScript SDK. To publish, simply save the project (Ctrl/Cmd + S). You can continue to edit code and publish to add new functionality to your bot.